Products for the Better
473230 - NZ2FTS-60AD4
Analogue Input Module; NZ2FT Series; 4 channels; voltage/current; 16 bits
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
129617 - Q68ADI
PLC Q Series 8 channel analog input module current
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279559 - R60ADI8
PLC iQ-R Series; Analog input module, 8 channel (current)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279556 - R60AD4
PLC iQ-R Series; Analog input module, 4 channel (voltage or current)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279557 - R60DA4
PLC iQ-R Series; Analog output module, 4 channel (voltage or current)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
129615 - Q64AD
PLC Q Series 4 channel analog input module voltage/current
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
200692 - Q68DAIN
PLC Q Series 8 channel analog output module current; isolated ext power supply
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
473231 - NZ2FTS-60DA4
Analogue Output Module; NZ2FT Series; 4 channels; voltage/current; 16 bits
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
238091 - L60AD4
SPS, L-Serie Analog Input Module; Current/Voltage; 4 Inputs
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
200690 - Q64DAN
PLC Q Series 4 channel analog output module voltage/current;isolat. power supply
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
242304 - STL-DA4-V1
STlite output module 4AO 0-10V DC
End Of Life Announced Material
Logistiekklasse: C -
238092 - L60DA4
SPS, L-Serie Analog Output Module; Current/Voltage; 4 Outputs
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279065 - L60ADIL8
PLC L-Series 8 channels analog input, Analog-digital conversion (current) module
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279560 - R60DAV8
PLC iQ-R Series; Analog output module,8-channel (voltage)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
204675 - Q68AD-G
PLC Q Series 8 channel analog input module voltage/current, isolated channel
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
279561 - R60DAI8
PLC iQ-R Series; Analog output module, 8-channel (current)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: A -
411025 - R60ADI8-HA
PLC iQ-R Series; HART-Enabled Analog input module; 8 channels (current)
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: B -
304545 - L60DAIL8
PLC, L series Output module; 8 channel analogue channel output
Standaard materiaal
Logistiekklasse: B -
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